
La Mélancolie des Dragons by Philippe Quesne

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The Rivoli Grand Auditorium features "La Mélancolie des Dragons », by Philippe Quesne, on 16 February, starting at 9.30 pm.

The Director, Quesne stages a diptych show, "La Mélancolie des Dragons". In a magical snowy setting the dragons and their dog will find Snow White, and build a minimalist and multifunctional amusement park.

Philippe Quesne approaches the topic of art through apparently trivial actions: the amateur practices of dreamers who sought to invent new worlds, by offering the audience a poetry of the ordinary and by celebrating the simple inventiveness and the joy of doing theatre.

The artistic Director and Stage Designer founded Vivarium Studio in 2003, which features actors, visual artists, and musicians, working on contemporary drama and studying the human microcosm.

See here for more information.