
In the Igreja da Lapa (Church of Lapa), the “monument in the form of an organ” will be heard again

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Andreia Merca

The occasion is solemn and will mark the night of Wednesday, January 11th: “One of the greatest gems of Porto will be heard again loud and clear, in fact, as it has not been heard for quite some time”.

The phrase appears in the inaugural program of the rehabilitation of the pipe organ of the Igreja da Lapa, which takes place on Wednesday at 9:30 pm, with a concert by Olivier Latry, titular organist of the Cathedral of Notre-Dame, Paris. The program includes works by Richard Wagner, Edwin Lemare, and Charles-Marie Widor.

“The sound of the sacred port is back”, the organization promises, noting that this concert “celebrates the completion of the general revision of this true monument to music, a half-year work that involved the disassembly and full reassembly of the most remarkable (words of the author himself) masterpiece of the great German organist Georg Jann.”

The repair and conservation of the pipe organ of the Igreja da Lapa involved an investment of more than 200 thousand euros, with the support of the Municipality of Porto, among other patrons.

This general review “prepares for a long future the one that is internationally recognized as one of the best organs of Iberian tubes and even of all Europe”, concludes the Irmandade da Lapa.