
Do it for your own bat

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The creatures of the night await on 23 August at Park of São Roque. The next initiative "Evening with bats" in Porto is a great opportunity to dispel myths about these nocturnal flying mammals and get to know a bit of their living habits. Bats are the only mammals capable of flying like birds.

The municipal programme "Ambiente em Família" takes place between 10am and 10pm in the scope of the special initiative "Nights with bats". Rendez-vous point is set at Environmental Centre of the Park of São Roque and it is guided by the expert Luzia Sousa, of the Rectory of Porto.

Participation is free of charge, but registration is mandatory via dm.gestaoambiente@cm-porto.pt

Nature provides children and adults alike with enriching experiences, by experiencing the great outdoors and thus profiting from an array of social, educational and planetary benefits.

There are 27 bat species in Portugal, all insectivorous, and eight of those are endangered species. Bats usually communicate with each other through high frequency chirps, screeches, and songs, which they use to hunt.

See here for more info.