Climate Change Adaptation Strategy presented today
Porto publicly presented the Municipal Strategy for Adaptation to Climate Change (EMAAC) under the ClimAdaPT.Local Project Closing Seminar today in the auditorium of the Rectory of the University of Coimbra.
Porto joined the local ClimaAdapt project in the beginning of 2015, in order to develop a Municipal Strategy for Adaptation to Climate Change.
The final version of the EMAAC includes 52 options that seek to ensure adaptation to climate risks which are expected to severely increase by the end of the century, namely heavy swell, rising sea levels, excessive rainfall, floods, landslides and Extreme temperature (heat waves /cold waves).
33 options are already underway and 11 uproot the short term, depending on the final format that may be accommodated in the PDM. About 5 were submitted to European grants, H2020 or INTERREG programs, and may be implemented with the possible approval of applications.
In the scope of the seminar, the Municipality of Porto also signed the Charter of Commitment for the creation of the National Network of Municipalities for Adaptation to Climate Change.
The ClimAdaPT.Local is the result of a tender launched by the Portuguese Environment Agency, whose main objective is to train national and municipal officers on adaptation to climate change and is integrated in the ADAPT program.