
Car parking at Palácio de Cristal is colour-blind inclusive

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The Color ADD aids color blind people to recognise colors, and it is now implemented at the Palácio de Cristal car parking. This code system had already been installed at the Trindade Covered Parking.

What seems a minor detail to most of the people that use car parking, it is a constraint to the circa 350 million people that are colour blind, as 90% of the signposting used in car parking is based in colour systems. So, from now on, parking will be easier for people that are colour blind in the car parking of Palácio de Cristal, which is managed by the municipal company Ágora, due to the Color ADD implementation.

The colour code for those who cannot see colour was developed by Portuguese graphic designer and professor at the University of Minho, Miguel Neiva, in 2008. It consists of geometric shapes representing colours and colour combinations and it is based in universal concepts of colour interpretation that enables the colour blind to correctly identify colours.

Currently, this system is used in transport systems, hospitals, pencils, inks, ceramics, and even in the Dragão Stadium. Prior to the Palácio de Cristal car parking, this system was already implemented in the Trindade car parking, as an example of the city’s best practise regarding mobility inclusion.