
“And So? The End” as well as other performances available online under the Cultura em Expansão programme

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Renato Cruz Santos

Following the “Princesa Bruxa” and “Uma Coisa Longínqua” – which is available online until 20th April -, the programme Cultura em Expansão provides two new performances, starting today, 13th April. Access is free. See here for further information.

The performance “Cortes do Porto” is the result of the artistic residency by stage director Rui Catalão with the community of Campanhã. The show is inspired by the medieval Courts, when the three existing social classes – nobility, clergy and the people would petition to the king. This project was resented last December at Passos Manuel and can now be revisited in the digital platform.

As regards the show “And So?... The End!”, this solo of contemporary dance by the choreographer, ballerina and performer Mariana Tengner Barros, is also available as of today. The performance features the critique to the apparent excess of entertainment over culture. The sow is available until 20th April.

The Online Programming of Cultura em Expansão includes still the premieres of the project “Memoratório… do usado e preservado Grupo Musical de Miragaia”, developed by the collective of theatre research Confederação, in partnership with Tânia Dinis, and features three “photo-conversations”, which will be available on 21st and 28th April and on 5th May.

See all the relevant information on the “Cultura em Expansão” programming on the website, on Facebook or on Instagram.