
Photo Ark by Joel Sartore urges people to take action and save the planet

Like a present time Noah's ark, the Photo Ark is full of wildlife that is urgent saving. The exhibition "Photo Ark by Joel Sartore", sponsored by National Geographic is on display at the Biodiversity Gallery - Living Science Centre from 18 October 2017 till 28 April 2018. In an interview to Porto., Joel Sartore talks about his life passion, or "obsession", as he calls it, to document all endangered species in this ark.

Porto helps the environment with free tree giveaway

The 2nd edition of the "if you have a garden, we have a tree for you" project runs until February 5, 2017. This environmental project is sponsored by Porto city Hall to promote environment and climate protection and to provide citizens, businesses and city organizations with trees and bushes for planting in gardens and parks all across the city of Porto.

Climate Change Adaptation Strategy presented today

Porto publicly presented the Municipal Strategy for Adaptation to Climate Change (EMAAC) under the ClimAdaPT.Local Project Closing Seminar today in the auditorium of the Rectory of the University of Coimbra.

Porto hosts plenary meeting of European environment agency

Porto welcomes the fall plenary session of the European Network of Directors General/Presidents of Environmental Agencies (EPA Network).