
Portucale Race is set for 12 July, along the Douro marine promenade

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João Queirós

The 6th edition of the Portucale Race is set for 12 July. The urban riverfronts in Porto and Vila Nova de Gaia are the racing scene of this race. Departure and arrival points are at Ribeira de Gaia, in Avenida de Ramos Pinto, in front of Corpus Christi Convent.

"After crossing the low bridge deck of Luiz I bridge, heading to Porto, runners will proceed to Avenue Gustavo Eiffel, and then they turn near the bridges of D. Maria and S. João. At that point, runners will head to the tunnel and then to the Cais da Ribeira, they go back into crossing the bridge, and go back to Gaia".

This is a 10K road race that takes place between Arrábida and Freixo Bridges, organised by Porto Athletic centre and sponsored by the municipalities of Porto and Gaia. Also, there is a 5K walk to enable the active participation of everyone in sporting activity. Besides, there will be a "Shamir Portucale Race for the Younger" (aged between five and six), covering a 500 meters route, which will start at 9.15am.

Olympic champion Rosa Mota is the godmother of the first phase of this 6th edition of the Portucale Race, which runs till 12 June, and prices range between 8 and 12 euros, for the main race, between 6 and 8 euros for the walk, and the children's race is free.
