
Grab a backpack and go explore a museum in Porto!

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Filipa Brito

Those visiting Porto, foreign or domestic, have an array of possibilities when it comes to visiting museums in town.
Also, most of this Tours to Museums are free, upon prior registration. 

So, know that the Casa do Infante, the Casa-Museu Guerra Junqueiro, the Casa-Museu Marta Ortigão Sampaio and the Museu Romântico, are inviting families to explore these museums freely, at their own pace; for that, a backpack will be made available at the entrance.

Visits are scheduled for February 2nd, at 11am. Participation is free.

Porto is filled with History, which means lots of great museums to visit. The art and activities museums offer may very well be what your creative mind needs right now. In other words, museums can offer art and a cheap way to give you the tools to finding a formidable day in Porto.

Enjoy your visit!