
CIBIO-InBIO team of the University of Porto discovers new bat species in Portugal

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A new bat species, officially named (Myotis alcathoe) (aka morcego-de-bigodes de Alcathoe), has been discovered in Portugal, by CIBIO-InBIO team of the University of Porto, in the Peneda-Gerês National Park. Researchers believe this species can be found in the entre northern region. 

Bats often are symbols of transition, of initiation, and the start of a new beginning, so the timing is just about right for such a discovery.

In a statement, CIBIO-InBIO indicates that this new bat species has been described in an article published in the Biodiversity Data Journal.

The fact that this bat species could be found in Portuguese territory was not confirmed until recently, when researchers sequenced the animal genome from another bat found in the Peneda Gerês Park in 2005. "This was only possible now and the species was confirmed in this study", the article states.

A similar finding by the CIBIO-INBIO of the University of Porto occurred May last, when a new butterfly species was found near Figueira da Foz.

The related article was published in the magazine Nota Lepidopterologica, and it describes the new gender and species of the nocturnal butterfly, named "Mondeguina atlanticella", found in the Island of Morraceira, near the river mouth of Mondego, south to Figueira da Foz.