
U.Porto is at the forefront of innovation in the field of Higher Education

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The University of Porto provides coordination and organisational support, with other European and Uzbeke  universities, under the E+ CBHE (Capacity Building in the field Higher Education), 2 (KA2) of Erasmus + Programme.

Two of the six approved projects with a total funding of EUR 6 million will be coordinated by the University of Porto.

This is the first time that the European Commission entrusts Porto University with the coordination of such projects as E+ CBHE since the Erasmus+ programme was redesigned in 2014.

One of the approved projects, "BuzNet - B-Learning Uzbekistan Veterinary Network" will be headed by Augusto Faustino, Professor at Institute of Biomedical Sciences Abel Salazar (ICBAS), over a period of three years, jointly with other European and Uzbek higher education institutions.

The second project, titled "RecMat - Recognition matters", will be coordinated by the International Relations office of Porto University, in partnership with other European universities, as well as universities from Argentina and Brazil, with the aim of harmonising the recognition of academic qualifications, thus encouraging academic mobility between Europe and Latin America.

In addition to coordinating these two projects, Porto University undertakes partnership in four projects, namely "Change in Classroom: Promoting innovative teaching & learning to enhance student learning experience in eastern partnership countries", coordinated by Yerevan State University (Armenia), estimated at around 997.506 thousand euros; "Development of the interdisciplinary master program on computational linguistics at Central Asian universities", headed by University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain) and budgeted at 761.450 thousand euros; "Development of Higher Education institution internationalizing policies", coordinated by Università di Pisa (Italy) and estimated at 983.253 thousand euros; and "Observatorio par ala inserción laboral y fortalecimiento de la empleabilidad in countries from Alianza del Pacifico", headed by Universidad Distrital Francisco Jose de Caldas (Colombia) estimated at 985.695 thousand euros.

The University of Porto is the primary coordinating Higher Education Institution in Portugal, followed by Porto Polytechnic Institute and Universidade Nova of Lisbon.